Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Today i caught the first glimpse of Orion-the hunter (Mrig-Mandal); the most beautiful of the 88 constellations. It would be at a very comfortable viewing position at 3.30 tomorrow morning as it would have rose to some 50 degrees in the eastern horizon (not a comfortable time for sky gazing but a lot better for your neck which would not be comfortable watching the constellation overhead at about 5.30 am). The last quarter moon will be passing through the "gate way of heavens" between the constellations of Orion and Auriga. Pliedes will be very beautiful just overhead. Check out tomorrow's simulated photograph (courtesy of Stellarium software)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

occultation of Ganymede

watch out for the occultation of Ganymede by Jupiter occuring tomorrow morning at 1.45 am. The largest satellite of Jupiter will vanish behind the planed at about 2.10 am. (photograph courtesy of Stellarium software)

Monday, September 27, 2010


Jupiter at opposition presented a majestic sight on saturday. The session started at about 8.15 when the giant planet was about 25 degrees high in the eastern sky. All four satellites of the planet were clearly visible with Europa just starting its ingress on the limb of the planet. The planet was seen by about 75 to 80 people. Soon the moon rose. It was quite bright due to its fuller face but the craters on the terminator produced a gorgeous sight. This observation session was also special as the club used its newly acquired Konus 130 guided telescope for the first time.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


The club's visit to Indore on 22 july 2009 was literally a failed expedition due to incessant rains. We were there with all equipments including those for photography, video capture, light intensity variation measurement, spectroscopy etc, but all in vain. The food and eataries of Indore provided some reconciliation.

jupiter observation session

Jupiter is at opposition and at full spectacle. Three satellites will be visible as the fourth will be passing on the disc of the planet. Venue is the terrace of Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Art Gallery, Race Course, Rajkot, Gujarat. Ganymede and Io are on one side whereas Callisto is on opposite side. Europa is entering the disc of the planet from left of the field of view (from right in a telescope) just besides the great red spot. Europa will emerge from the other side of the planet's limb at about 22.49 completing the transit.